“I am for doing good to the poor, but I differ in opinion of the means. I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it. In my youth I traveled much, and I observed in different countries, that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer.”
- Ben Franklin
What does President Barack Hussein Obama mean when he makes statements about our tax dollars? He wants them to be “spread around better.” What this means is more of the dirty word Obama avoids like the plague: “welfare.” He already did this in my state in Chicago. He now wants to do it all through America.
Let me see if I have all the steps in place:
1. Give tax breaks to 95% of Americans that will amount to about what Bush gave for an economy stimulation check.
2. Tax those that make $250,000 around 45%.
3. Cripple the small businessman as a result.
4. Cause the small businessman to either go out of business, lay off workers, or charge more.
5. Pass the cost of this on to those that were given the tax cut in the first place.
6. Those who were given a tax cut pay more for things that they purchase than the amount of the tax cut they originally received.
7. Net result: The redistribution of wealth FAILS utterly, and the economy gets even worse.
This is like setting someone on fire to cure acne. Why do liberals think this sort of nutty idea will work? It makes no sense. Are Liberals so pitiful that they think I somehow owe them a living? It seems so to me. How much is enough?
Here is an idea:
Get a job.
Work hard.
Stop complaining that you don’t have as much as your neighbor.
Stop being a victim.
Start depending on your God given talents.
Stop whining.
Allow capitalism to work.
In short, I dislike the notion of my tax dollars going to keep up the American BUM association. If you’re sick or crippled or otherwise handicapped, that is one thing; if you are too lazy to get off the couch or think you are too good to work at McDonald’s that is something else. Starvation is a big motivator. We need to stop enabling these people. It shows them no dignity and teaches them helplessness. Certainly we need social programs; however, we do not need to program people socially. If President Obama thinks this is a good idea, I would be very interested to see what he thinks about Communism.
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