Liberals! I do not understand the liberal thinking of our country these days. When Palin was nominated by presidential hopeful McCain the entire liberal network seemed to go into attack mode. If was as if they said,
“Oh no, a conservative woman with traditional, pro-life values has been nominated. She even likes to cook for her husband. She loves and supports the traditional family. We have to do something!”
So what did they do?
They find out that her daughter is pregnant. They question her ability to be a good mother and serve our country.
Did I miss something?
Aren’t these kooks the same morons that supported Hilary? What about her “family” life. I suppose since her daughter is older that makes her a safe candidate. Leaving the family care issues aside, they moved on to her 17 year old pregnant daughter. Clearly they think this makes Palin a bad candidate since she obviously could not control the sexuality of her daughter.
Hold on. Wait a second.
Since when did liberals give a rat about traditional values? These same goofs, who are drawing in a sharp breath to discredit Palin because of her daughter, were staunch supporters of threesome sex between two guys that included a goat just last week. When did these folks get so moral?
I’ll tell you when.
They got ethics the moment a conservative woman who stood with her daughter and loved her even though she made a mistake got nominated. They got indignant when a lady who just might become an icon for young ladies got tapped for the VP slot. What they are is scared. They are afraid that a woman with power might actually have a normal female perspective. The feminazis will not like Palin. The liberal gay male will not like Palin. The feminist will hate Palin. The lesbians will hate Palin.
I love Palin.
So will those who hold a traditional family, pro-life, and (dare I say it?) Christian perspective.
Guess what liberals. Most of America holds a traditional view. You have to go to Hollyweird to find fewer conservative thinking folks than if you walk out your door right now. Yeah, the liberals will win some states. They will show up good on Election Day. However, they will do so with trembling fear that a conservative woman just might end up in Washington. I, for one, sure hope she does.
Go Palin! She is one woman that is traditional, smart, conservative, family oriented, loves her husband, respects her husband, values life, and just makes darn good sense.
And she’s pretty to boot!
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