I had no idea what to expect when I sat down to watch Hanna last night. The movie truly began in the white bleakness of the wilderness and only lead to the bleakness of civilization. The film itself is well done. It has many of the typical “spy” or “action” thriller clichés, but the movie makes use of solid characters to pull off a very sleek film. The film is clearly framed from the beginning to the end with a classy, yet somewhat predictable, opening sequence that is echoed at the end of the movie. However, the movie is just plain fun to watch, and the lovely Saoirse Ronan is just outstanding as Hanna. She is able to pull off the innocent yet honest portrayal of this dangerous character. There are moments of humor and plenty of action. There are a few holes and questions I have but far less than the typical action movie. The story is engaging and well written. There are a few other things that Hanna’s father should have taught her before unleashing her on the world, but these are forgivable as they build the innocent side of the character up. At the very least, Saoirse Ronan’s excellent acting will have me clamoring to see anything else she appears in. I have been impressed by this young lady’s talent since The Lovely Bones and am excited to watch her career unfold. She certainly chooses wonderfully suited roles. Hanna is a fun action movie but has many images of violence and death. I would avoid letting the kids see it.