At 8:13 AM (9:13 AM CST), 9/15/2010, I turned forty years old. I don’t look any different. I don’t feel any different. But, somehow I am different. Life takes on a whole new perspective at 40. I always have said that I am shooting for at least 80 years of age before I kick off into the sweet by and by. Of course, I’m not sure I’ll make that goal. However, we all have to live like we might die any second and also like we will live to be venerable and most likely decrepit. I don’t write this today to get the obligatory “Happy birthday,” but I write it as a self reflection piece that I somehow finally feel qualified to make. I have learned a few things. I have so much left to learn. This writing does not proceed form arrogance. I only know a tiny bit more than an average 39 year old. It comes from simply being here on this God created world for this long. It comes from figuring out a few things about me. Some of what I have found out I really like. Some of it I don’t. Some of it still needs work. Here is what I have learned about myself both good and bad. Anyone else have a list like this?
• I love Hawaiian shirts- Too bad if you don’t.
• I love Tacos- I’m going to eat Tacos….period.
• No one is allowed to tread on my heart.
• I am hot natured to the point of being annoying. I must remember other folks aren’t.
• I forget to say hello to my neighbor.
• I am a geek/nerd/weirdo- I’m ok with that.
• I need Jesus to chisel away at my stupidity and my faults- This is going to hurt.
• I love science fiction. I think you are short-sighted if you don’t.
• I am a conservative in a liberal state. I have to deal with it.
• There are nice liberals.
• I must use my powers for good.
• I like being the center of attention. I must remember to not be self centered.
• My students like me and look up to me. This both scares me and makes me joyful.
• I am a Christian- BUT, I don’t act like it as much as I should.
• I have no tolerance for people who hurt others.
• I have no tolerance for people who make women cry.
• I use humor to communicate. I must never use it to aggravate.
• I am offended when people imply Star Wars is for kids.
• You can make almost anything evil…even Oreos.
• I hate watching sports. People think this is odd, but it is ok for me to not like sports.
• There is nothing wrong with liking purple!
• I’m straight, it’s great, get used to it!
• I understand colors better than my wife. I’m ok with this.
• I decorate better than my wife. This is ok too.
• I know nothing about a car and do not want to. This does not make me a sissy.
• Star Trek is good, but it promotes Socialism.
• I can cry like a girl if I want to.
• I like butterflies, birds, and flowers. You want to do something about it?
• Good is good. Bad is bad. There is no gray.
• Truth is not relative. There is one truth.
• “It is possible to make no mistakes and still lose.” -Picard
• “I fight authority, authority always wins.” –Mellencamp
• I do not want to get what I deserve.
• Rainbows are a symbol of God’s promise and NOTHING else.
• Rebel flags are not bad or racist unless you are a dimwit.
• People deserve to have my full attention.
• My accent is sexy.
• I have the smartest and best parents in the world.
• I am thankful to still have my parents at 40.
• I am in love with a super hot, fantastic woman that thinks I am a stud.
• I am not appreciative enough of my wife.
• I am not patient enough with my daughter.
• I am not loving enough to my step kids.
• I am annoyed too easily.
• Making love is not showing love. (But it can be.)
• I obsess on things I could give up.
• I don’t give enough.
• I have the best friends that God could possibly have given me.
• Sometimes “shooting the bird” is an affectionate way to say, “hello.”
• Saying bad words in front of people makes you look like an idiot.
• Never drink when you are sad.
• Never eat when you are sad.
• Moderation is the key to many doors.
• “You only live once, but if you live right, once is enough.” -Poster I saw once
• People matter, things don’t.
• “It’s all for the burning.” –Great Grandma Ludie
• I am important.
• You are important.
• Nothing is more valuable than my soul.
• Pride is stupidity given a voice.
• If it looks like a tater, and smells like a tater….it’s a tater.
• Nothing matches a baby’s smile.
• I am NOT my job.
• The Great I AM will show me who I am.
• I need to shut up more.
• Instead of wondering if I can, I should wonder if I should.
• Reading makes me happy.
• I will never grow up fully.
• I’m not sure what I want to be when I do grow up.
• I have something to offer.
• You have something I need.
• I have something to teach.
• I have more to learn.
And with that my list isn’t done. It is still growing everyday. As I watch this day come to a close with a thankful heart for good times, good friends, and love that I frankly don’t deserve I will more than likely be more emotional than normal. Am I going to have a midlife crisis? No. I’m more likely to cause a crisis than to have one. But let me leave you with one last thing:
Thank all of you for sharing my life. You are the best people in the world.
Much Love,